Development on SOS is done because the backend of the game is terrible, but a (somewhat) sequel is in the works. All of that is coming and more, just under a different context.
Hey there just wanted to say i'm a big fan of this concept as someone who played a lot of Hearts of Iron IV. In my opinion the Focus Tree System of Hearts of Iron IV is not utilised enough in other games so it's amazing that you implemented although in a more basic form. I hope you do a sequel to this game with more in-depth Gameplay and Focus Trees i would love to contribute to such a project although i'm not that experienced in coding i could contribute in for example researching. Anyways hope you have a fantastic day ^^
Hi, sorry for the super late response. Thanks for the offer but I prefer to work alone or with people I know irl.
I will say, originally I wasn't going to have Political Decision Trees in SOS2, but if that was so much of the appeal in SOS1, I'll definitely do it. Though I will say, trees for each individual country will probably not happen. It's too much work to make a unique tree for every country under every circumstance for the country. Instead, I plan on working on a political tree with unique branches depending on the state of the country. For example, all communist nations will get a special branch that only appears for them, or all ex-colonial countries, or all European countries, etc.
Lumping together countries like this, while removing some of the appeal of unique content for every country, will make every country playable and hopefully create some interesting situations as every country acts to complete broad objectives rather then five working to achieve specific objectives.
I'm open to feedback though, love to hear what you think about it.
Hello! i am someone who really would like to play the game, but for some reason, its telling me there is an error in the script. I've tried a few times again but same result. As i've seen from people with a similar bug, it may be that I'm not using windows, note i am on Windows 10. Is there anyway to fix this problem myself?
Yeah, I've seen this before, I just don't really know the cause of it. Make sure that you have the most up to date version of the game (major update 1) and maybe try redownloading it. If that doesn't work, I'll look more into it. If you could share the error message with me, that would be great.
As I was reading the error, it showed there wasn't a certain png in a file or directory in the folder within the AppData folder with the main.exe in it, however nothing else. So I copied and pasted the files from the .zip except for the main.exe into the file, and it worked perfectly. Thank you. You asking me to read the error lead to my curiosity to the problem. I had a sigh of relief that it wasn't something wrong with the code. Have a great day :).
If you go into the political decision tree and press a/d it'll go into the military tech tree. Though, I should note that the military tech tree was never fully implemented so it doesn't actually do anything.
Major update 2 will never be released, but that's not to say I've given up on spirits of steel as a whole. No promises, but I am definitely working on something.
The backend for SOS is terrible. I never intended it to be a long term project, and as such I cut a lot of corners in development to make it easier for me in the short term.
Primarily, the main element of the game, the political decision trees, are implemented horribly and it takes too long to add new decisions to the game.
Believe me, what I have cooking up is going to make this look like nothing in comparison with another year of experience + everything I learned from SOS.
If I remember correctly, it's italy, belgium, czechia, netherlands, switzerland, and austria. It's been a long time since I made this game though, so I'm not 100% sure.
Yeah, (and tbh most of the major nations have the same political tree) it mostly has to do with the way that political trees are coded and how it takes so long to add new decisions to the game. I'm looking into ways of replacing the old system with something a little more dynamic, though it will be completely different to the current one. It won't ever come to this game, but maybe for a future project.
Hello, sorry but the way I made the game makes it impossible to be played on webbrowser, at least to my knowledge. I don't think that chromebooks can run executables, so it may be that you just won't be able to play the game.
Very sorry about that, I'll try to keep that in mind for future projects.
Really fun! I think the Chinese Reunification route under the Republic of China is the easiest, of course you MUST be careful in which order you reunify. I'd recommend in in this order
Communist China
The funny blue flag one (sorry can't remember its name.)
Thanks. I'm just curious about where the name Manchugo comes from. I know the area is currently called Manchuria, however, I believe that it was called Manchukuo while under Japanese occupation.
Honestly, while doing research for the game it was shockingly difficult to find information on china from after the fall of the Qing dynasty to the end of the Chinese civil war.
Thanks for the feedback. Originally, I was going to make the divisions spawn in a city that you chose within in your territory, and default to a random placement if all of your cities were taken.
Also, I agree with the idea of the unit movement feeling clunky as I didn't do a whole lot of testing with other people for the first update. I tend to go with what works best for me until I receive feedback, and that clearly wasn't a great choice.
I can definitely see how these issues would majorly affect the quality of the game, and I'll look into making a patch to fix it.
Sorry, but at the minute I'm not planning any updates for this game beyond bug or quality of life fixes. I spent a long time working on this and I want to take what I learned along the way to make an even better future project. Not to say it won't happen, it's just unlikely.
I'm not going to lie, I haven't done as much as I wanted to with this update, as I worked over the summer. Though, I have gotten it to a point where I would consider it a completed game, so I'll likely release it sometime this week.
With the new update I've made the current default tree larger, but I was also thinking of adding something like a unique tree for axis and allied minor countries. It would depend on if I could find enough stuff to add to both trees.
There is no way to make your own political tree without me giving out the code for the game, which I'm not willing to do. I've never really thought about restructuring the game so that it could be through a text file or something, though I might look into it. No promises, of course.
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Therapist: Greater Peru isn't real, he can't hurt you

Greater Peru:
Maybe add more political decision, like French commune, or Britiain in the axis
Development on SOS is done because the backend of the game is terrible, but a (somewhat) sequel is in the works. All of that is coming and more, just under a different context.
can you add division desiner
Update Please
Killed naz germany as finland feeling great
For some reason after a certain amount of time the ai stops invading other countries
yea i think that just happens because they finish their focus tree and have no reason for further expansion
Thx because I dont play or understand hoi4
does the military tech provide any bonuses to troops or nah?
Hey there just wanted to say i'm a big fan of this concept as someone who played a lot of Hearts of Iron IV. In my opinion the Focus Tree System of Hearts of Iron IV is not utilised enough in other games so it's amazing that you implemented although in a more basic form. I hope you do a sequel to this game with more in-depth Gameplay and Focus Trees i would love to contribute to such a project although i'm not that experienced in coding i could contribute in for example researching. Anyways hope you have a fantastic day ^^
Hi, sorry for the super late response. Thanks for the offer but I prefer to work alone or with people I know irl.
I will say, originally I wasn't going to have Political Decision Trees in SOS2, but if that was so much of the appeal in SOS1, I'll definitely do it. Though I will say, trees for each individual country will probably not happen. It's too much work to make a unique tree for every country under every circumstance for the country. Instead, I plan on working on a political tree with unique branches depending on the state of the country. For example, all communist nations will get a special branch that only appears for them, or all ex-colonial countries, or all European countries, etc.
Lumping together countries like this, while removing some of the appeal of unique content for every country, will make every country playable and hopefully create some interesting situations as every country acts to complete broad objectives rather then five working to achieve specific objectives.
I'm open to feedback though, love to hear what you think about it.
Hello! i am someone who really would like to play the game, but for some reason, its telling me there is an error in the script. I've tried a few times again but same result. As i've seen from people with a similar bug, it may be that I'm not using windows, note i am on Windows 10. Is there anyway to fix this problem myself?
Sincerely, -Jake.
Yeah, I've seen this before, I just don't really know the cause of it. Make sure that you have the most up to date version of the game (major update 1) and maybe try redownloading it. If that doesn't work, I'll look more into it. If you could share the error message with me, that would be great.
As I was reading the error, it showed there wasn't a certain png in a file or directory in the folder within the AppData folder with the main.exe in it, however nothing else. So I copied and pasted the files from the .zip except for the main.exe into the file, and it worked perfectly. Thank you. You asking me to read the error lead to my curiosity to the problem. I had a sigh of relief that it wasn't something wrong with the code. Have a great day :).
Love it, one question though: how do i access the military tech tree page
If you go into the political decision tree and press a/d it'll go into the military tech tree. Though, I should note that the military tech tree was never fully implemented so it doesn't actually do anything.
Oh. OK, thanks anyway.
I love it
i'm player of age of history 2 . And i want to say dis game is amazing
I defeated the Soviet Union as Germany :)
Great job! I know the game tends to get very micro heavy when going up against large nations, so this is cool to see.
Thanks for the compliment! Also, are you ever gonna make a major update 2?
Major update 2 will never be released, but that's not to say I've given up on spirits of steel as a whole. No promises, but I am definitely working on something.
The backend for SOS is terrible. I never intended it to be a long term project, and as such I cut a lot of corners in development to make it easier for me in the short term.
Primarily, the main element of the game, the political decision trees, are implemented horribly and it takes too long to add new decisions to the game.
Believe me, what I have cooking up is going to make this look like nothing in comparison with another year of experience + everything I learned from SOS.
what are the nations I need to form the HRE
If I remember correctly, it's italy, belgium, czechia, netherlands, switzerland, and austria. It's been a long time since I made this game though, so I'm not 100% sure.
game is fun but all non major natoes have the same.
Yeah, (and tbh most of the major nations have the same political tree) it mostly has to do with the way that political trees are coded and how it takes so long to add new decisions to the game. I'm looking into ways of replacing the old system with something a little more dynamic, though it will be completely different to the current one. It won't ever come to this game, but maybe for a future project.
is there any possible way I can play this on a Chromebook?
Hello, sorry but the way I made the game makes it impossible to be played on webbrowser, at least to my knowledge. I don't think that chromebooks can run executables, so it may be that you just won't be able to play the game.
Very sorry about that, I'll try to keep that in mind for future projects.
does anyone have a idea for how to play?
try a virtual machine
How do you add factories again? edit: nvm
click 4 and click left to add factories
Really fun! I think the Chinese Reunification route under the Republic of China is the easiest, of course you MUST be careful in which order you reunify. I'd recommend in in this order
Thanks. I'm just curious about where the name Manchugo comes from. I know the area is currently called Manchuria, however, I believe that it was called Manchukuo while under Japanese occupation.
Honestly, while doing research for the game it was shockingly difficult to find information on china from after the fall of the Qing dynasty to the end of the Chinese civil war.
you mean mengkukuo?
Yes. It's spelled that way in the game, I just misspelled it in the post.
Thanks for the feedback. Originally, I was going to make the divisions spawn in a city that you chose within in your territory, and default to a random placement if all of your cities were taken.
Also, I agree with the idea of the unit movement feeling clunky as I didn't do a whole lot of testing with other people for the first update. I tend to go with what works best for me until I receive feedback, and that clearly wasn't a great choice.
I can definitely see how these issues would majorly affect the quality of the game, and I'll look into making a patch to fix it.
hi gav grub is their any way I can play this game on a Chromebook OS? Thanks
can you add a focus tree for egypt
Sorry, but at the minute I'm not planning any updates for this game beyond bug or quality of life fixes. I spent a long time working on this and I want to take what I learned along the way to make an even better future project. Not to say it won't happen, it's just unlikely.
great job bro
Thank you
how it is going?
I'm not going to lie, I haven't done as much as I wanted to with this update, as I worked over the summer. Though, I have gotten it to a point where I would consider it a completed game, so I'll likely release it sometime this week.
oh ok. thanks for turn back to my comment
how do I declare war on a nation, form an alliance or basically do anything other than train division
push your divisions to another country
are alliance making anything? if not will you fix that?
How do you open the political tree?
You press space. I just realised I didn't add that to the controls.
ı working to spread this to my araund, is that problem for you?
I have no problems with that, as a matter of fact, I really appreciate it.
could you add a standart political tree to minor countries too?
With the new update I've made the current default tree larger, but I was also thinking of adding something like a unique tree for axis and allied minor countries. It would depend on if I could find enough stuff to add to both trees.
ı dowload but cant open the file it looks great please help
oh this fixed, how can ı make political tree
There is no way to make your own political tree without me giving out the code for the game, which I'm not willing to do. I've never really thought about restructuring the game so that it could be through a text file or something, though I might look into it. No promises, of course.
in a fact ı meaned how open political tree menu but it isnt problem for me currently
it is good
This game cured my caner.
What a banger!